Jul 30, 2012

Berry Crumble Bars

These bars were bonkers good.  

They remind me of my sweet Grandma Hill and all of the happy childhood memories of the lovely home baked goods that she spoiled us with as kids.  Mmmmmm.  

My choc-aholic P-Man loved 'em too.  He's always proving me wrong that way.  I'll make something that I'm sure he'll reject on principle alone, and he's like "Hey these are super good".  

Jul 22, 2012

Blackened Shrimp and Guacamole Tostadas

These totally just happened at my house.

I have romantic notions about shrimp.  We belong together.  Ping to my pong.  

When dining out I'll almost always order something with shrimp, and I never seem to tire of it.  Because what pray tell, is better than shrimp?  Few things in this world, and if you don't think so then I'm not sure we can be friends anymore!         

Jul 1, 2012

The Green Smoothie

First let me say how very disgusted that I originally was at the thought of these smoothies.

Secondly let me say how very addicted that I now am to them.

The thought of trying to choke down a swig of the leafy green embued smoothie-imposter, was for me, gag-worthy. 

But my kid sister Shawny helped me to see reason.  Or taste it rather.  It's so nice to have people like that in your life.  Those who will patiently take your hand and help you overcome your childish fears of the unknown.  Baby steps though, I still think wheat grass shots sound putrid.

So let me tell you what I assumed before trying my first green smoothie.  I assumed that it would taste like a liquified salad.  Bleck.  Of course I love salad, in it's proper way, eaten on a plate with a fork.

The truth is that you don't taste the leafy greens.  No really!  It just tastes like a regular fruity sweet wonderful smoothie, but dare I say fresher?  I absolutely love them.  They're my go-to breakfast of choice and I love how good and energized that I feel after having one.  They're also my detox meal after an episode with say perfect chocolate buttercream...  Brings balance to the force.

My little girls have caught on to their goodness too, and they've become known as "the Hulk drink" in our house.  I mix it up using different fruits and vegetables all the time.  Basically whatever is in my crisper goes into the blender and they're always tasty.  

Healthy awesome goodness.   

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