Sep 12, 2012

Rainbow Sour Cream Cupcakes

My youngest baby girl Gigi recently turned one.  

She's my angel baby.  Sweet, quiet, cuddly and the calm observer amongst her two spunky, boisterous elder sisters.  And like all babies of the family, my unabashed favorite child.  

Sep 2, 2012

Revolutionary Mac N' Cheese

Revolutionary Mac N' Cheese

I have unfortunately allowed myself to watch a handful of those terrifying food documentaries.  Everybody has seen a few right?  Each one has left me in a state of paranoid anxiety, fearing that everything I'm feeding my family is unsafe and practically poisonous.  I seriously don't sleep well for days. 

The positive effect is that they reaffirm my desire to serve my family as much of a healthy, balanced and unprocessed diet as I can.    

And that is why my girls have been deprived of the infamous neon orange Mac N' Cheese in a box.
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