May 22, 2012

Balsamic Strawberry Shortcake Sugar Cookies

Perhaps using the word "shortcake" is being a bit liberal with the term, but it just felt right.

Aren't they lovely? 

Almost too darling to eat?  Maybe that's what I said before two or three disappeared. 

I'm still perplexed as to how that happened.  Ahem.

To be honest, the first time I laid eyes upon the marriage of balsamic vinegar and strawberries, I can't say that it seemed too appealing.

An initial eewww may have crossed my mind. 

But for some reason the idea lingered and kept nagging at me for a few weeks.  Weeks! 

So finally I grabbed a carton of berries and mustered up the gumption to give them a try.  I cringed a little as I poured the vinegar over the freshly sliced berries and with my P-Man casting more than a few unsubtle doubtful glances my way... The mood was tense.

And then I dusted on the black pepper.  And that's when P-Man had to just leave the room.

But there's a happy ending to this story.  When I spooned a dollop of lightly sweetened cream onto a perfectly soft melt-in-your-mouth sugar cookie and topped it all off with those marinated berries, the result was glorious. 

bite. moan. bite.

Continued in that order.

Instead of overpowering the natural flavor of the strawberries it only enhanced and brightened their flavor, and color too.  Oh the possibilities.  I'm already diabolically plotting for future mind-blowing balsamic/strawberry concoctions.  And I'm a dork.
Memorial Day is a comin' my friends, and these eye and mouth candy treats will impress your BBQ crowd.  Try them.  Love them.  And you're welcome.  

Balsamic Strawberry Shortcake Sugar Cookies
Recipe by Bliss From Scratch  | Printable Version

  • 2 dozen sugar cookies, recipe here.  (You may not need this many, it just depends upon how much topping that you pile on 'em.)
  • 4 cups whipped cream, lightly sweetened

For the berries:
  • 16 oz. fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and gently stir.  Cover, and allow to marinate for about an hour. 

Spoon the fresh whipped cream onto the sugar cookies and top with the marinated strawberries.  Serve immediately.  Enjoy.


  1. Those cookies do look too pretty to eat! I totally believe you about the balsamic vinegar, even though I haven't tried it on strawberries. I swear, it makes everything taste better. I'm going to make these for our family 4th of July party! They look festive, especially the ones you designed with the strawberries in a star pattern.

  2. Thanks Kim! Glad you want to try them & I think you're right about Balsamic in general, it does make everything better.

  3. sounds questionable.. but everything you post is FRIGGIN DELISH so of course we'll be trying this!

  4. Thanks for the vote of confidence Chach! You won't regret it.


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