Oct 1, 2012

Caprese Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing

Caprese Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing

At long last we've been able to enjoy our garden tomatoes.  With a cooler climate and shorter growing season its a race against the impending frosts to have them ripen in time.  Back off frost, my babies are still green out there.  

Lately I've found happiness in the form of this beautiful salad. 

I think I could eat this every stinking day of my life. 

Caprese Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing

Sweet vine ripened tomatoes, sliced mozzarella and fresh picked basil from my wee herb garden... All topped lovingly with a drizzle of the honey balsamic reduction.

Oh my heart.  Just another testament that simplicity reigns supreme.

So tell me, what do you like to do with your precious tomatoes?

Caprese Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing
Recipe by Bliss From Scratch | Printable Version

  • 2-3 large tomatoes
  • 1/2 lb. fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced
  • large handful of basil leaves
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

Firstly combine the balsamic and honey in a small sauce pan, whisk, and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes.  Remove from heat and pour the dressing into another dish, this will help it to cool faster.  And if you're impatient like me, stick in it the freezer, because you'll want it at room temperature before serving.  Tip: sometimes if I'm feeling lazy I just whisk the honey and vinegar together and serve as is.  It doesn't have the syrupy consistency of the simmered sauce, but it still tastes wonderful.      

While the dressing is cooling, slice the tomatoes into nice thick rounds, and top each with a slice of mozzarella and a few basil leaves.  Drizzle the dressing over top and serve.  Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. oh I'm dying!!! I want some garden fresh tomatoes soo bad. that looks divine! can't wait to make the dressing.


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