Jan 3, 2013

The Very Best Homemade Ranch

The Very Best Homemade Ranch

I'm still working on my list of resolutions for the new year, lucky you, because I'll only spill the beans about one of them.  

You'll be glad to know that is doesn't involve sweating, adhering to an earlier bedtime or extended crayola sessions with my kidlets.  I'll save all those lovely details for my darling Hubster, lucky him.

The Very Best Homemade Ranch

This ranch, my friends, is now a staple in our home.  I used to be utterly faithful to those blue-green ranch packets, but after stumbling upon this mix recipe on Pinterest, I'm a changed woman.  

I'll never look back.

The Very Best Homemade Ranch

The Resolution:
Make more MSG-loaded store-bought items from scratch.  And then feel really good about that.  Plus enjoy watching my family snarf down more fresh vegetables than ever, totally a win-win. 

The Very Best Homemade Ranch

This ranch is really quite grand.  It tastes so fresh and vibrant and not at all like the typical processed, bottled, preservative loaded stuff we've all tried.  Also let me be clear, I believe that ranch--or anything for that matter-- made with salad dressing, to be an abomination.  Mayonnaise is king.  

This recipe makes a pretty large batch of dry mix that will last you a long time.  I saved dinero and bought all of the dry mix seasonings from my store's (Winco) bulk section.  You can also substitute light options for the sour cream, mayo and buttermilk and it still tastes great. 

You'll love this stuff.  

The Very Best Homemade Ranch
Recipe by Bliss From Scratch, lightly adapted from The Crafty Blog Stalker | Printable Version

Ranch Dry Mix (large batch):
2 tablespoons black pepper
3/4 cup parsley flakes
1/4 cup garlic salt
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1/3 cup onion powder
1 tablespoon dill weed

Instructions (makes about 3 cups of Ranch):
1 tablespoon Ranch Dry Mix
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup buttermilk
1 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Whisk all of the wet ingredients in a resealable container or mason jar, add the tablespoon of Ranch Dry Mix, whisk until well combined.  For best results chill an hour before for serving, or just dive in.  Enjoy! 


  1. This looks incredibly good, and Chad is a ranch fanatic! I will have to try it!

    1. You'll have to let me know what he thinks!

  2. I love this! It looks delicious.

  3. This looks yum! Do you know how long it will keep in the fridge (assuming we don't scarf it in one sitting)?

  4. Kim, I'm not sure of the exact shelf life, but I've kept it a full 2 weeks and it still tasted great as we finished it off! I'd say judge it on taste & texture if it looks/tastes funky then toss it.


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