Jun 27, 2012

Fruit Salad with Vanilla Honey Citrus Dressing

Summertime means salads to me. 

I'm enamored with the fresh seasonal ingredients at the height of their nutrients and flavor.  I especially enjoy sampling new salads at summertime get-togethers and BBQs, and oft times simple wins big. 

So here's my version of simple.  A medley of fresh vibrant fruits tossed in lightly sweetened juices with the perfect hint of vanilla. 


Jun 20, 2012

Perfect Chocolate Buttercream

I made this and spread it upon a reeeaaallly good chocolate cake- recipe to follow soon, it was snarfed up by family members before I could document it's greatness- as a belated Father's day dessert for my beloved P-Man.

He's an exceptional Dad to his girls.

We're all darn lucky to have him.  

I'm sorry to have to say this, but I was raised in a family that could take or leave chocolate. 

Yes people like that really exist. 

We prefer fruity desserts over double-chocolate-chunk-ganache-fudge-cocoa-smothered whatevers...  It's a genetic thing I'm sure.  But my choc-aholic husband has gradually eroded my ways and today I find myself sitting somewhere in the middle. 

I do like and even crave chocolate occasionally now.  Quite the evolution.

This frosting really was divine.  My P-Man's say on the matter was that he normally scrapes off the cloyingly sweet frosting and just eats the cake, but this frosting was in his words perfect.   

Jun 11, 2012

Roasted Sweet Italian Sausage and Vegetables (a one-pan dinner!)

I really like Pam Anderson. 

No, not that Pam Anderson, but Pam of Three Many Cooks.  She's the inspiration behind this recipe and my new preoccupation with one-dish dinners.  Her new cook book Perfect One-Dish Dinners: All You Need for Easy Get-Togethers  is an absolute revelation.      

A work of utter genius.         

Jun 5, 2012

Easy Cream Cheese Wontons

I'm an appetizer girl. 

When dining out, if given my druthers, I'd almost always pass on the sweets and opt for the savory. 

I'm odd and I know this. 

But there's just something about the miniaturization of ordinary eatables that has me utterly smitten.  And I can't seem to outgrow it.  Parties boasting of heavy hors d'oeuvres are the shindigs worth showin' up for. 

Guuuuyyys... they make me happy.  Yin to my yang.  
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