I made this and spread it upon a reeeaaallly good chocolate cake- recipe to follow soon, it was snarfed up by family members before I could document it's greatness- as a belated Father's day dessert for my beloved P-Man.
He's an exceptional Dad to his girls.
We're all darn lucky to have him.
I'm sorry to have to say this, but I was raised in a family that could take or leave chocolate.
Yes people like that really exist.
We prefer fruity desserts over double-chocolate-chunk-ganache-fudge-cocoa-smothered whatevers... It's a genetic thing I'm sure. But my choc-aholic husband has gradually eroded my ways and today I find myself sitting somewhere in the middle.
I do like and even crave chocolate occasionally now. Quite the evolution.
This frosting really was divine. My P-Man's say on the matter was that he normally scrapes off the cloyingly sweet frosting and just eats the cake, but this frosting was in his words perfect.